So I'm on Peru overload. Now, I am beyond excited about this experience, and I can't wait to go. But school still sucks! I am not a fan of history books, I just can't read 'em. Makes my brain hurt. So I'm taking a Wedding Break!
Anywho. Reception ideas:
- Pots of moss roses as centerpieces. Easy peasy. Presents for the wedding party? Maybe just the girls, haha.
- Tables lit from underneath. Like, glass tops with semi-opaque cover (see next) and lightbulbs underneath that make them colorful. Like this?
- Tables covered with newsprint. To color on. Possibly with printed designs. Like kitties. (I promise Cody is excited about this too, really.)
- Which brings me to favors = crayons! I would love to have custom wrappers. That would be awesome. But maybe just wrap the boxes.
- Balloons on the tables instead of numbers. If we do arranged seating... to be decided.
- Cody seriously wants a live band. Possibly an awesome one. Which I'm trying not to Debbie-downer him on.
I think that's most of our crazy ideas. If we go the arranged seating route, I want to have a fun/efficient way to get people to their table, so there's not a huge backlog of confused faces. But I suppose everyone will get it figured out by the time we're done taking pictures.
Because I refuse to take pictures with Cody before. We are both pretty excited about the whole surprise element with the dress and all. I think I'm taking it too far. I don't want anyone to know about my dress. I like surprises, so you should too?
I've been on two dress shopping trips. I think I'm not going to be a chain-shop girl. Mainly because I was amazed by the Bridal Boutique. (PS. Thanks for putting up with me today. I'm pretty sure I tried on 20 dresses. And at the end decided the first half were pointless.) I was totally expecting them to be more expensive! But they're still within my range, which makes me happy. I am slightly terrified about having to make a decision, but whatevs. It's so hard when everything is gorgeous! It's not like trying on clothes where some things just don't fit or look right. Everything. Is gorgeous. And I have to decide what's the most me-like. And when I tend to get defined as technicolor, that becomes a problem.
I'm going to go ahead and say that thinking about it too much might be a bad thing...
So. We don't have a location. But, in theory. I could be married a year from now. (Our date in relation to nothing is 6/12/10.) My only words are exciterrified. And 100% excited about the Cody part.
Oh, and if we hadn't established this, the blinding colors you see are ours. Kiwi green and skyish blue. Plus a little bit of everything else...
I understand wanting your dress to be a surprise. You don't even have to tell me which one you pick (if its one of the two you narrowed it down to). I will even go to an extra fitting with you and keep my lips sealed. I think they're both amazing picks, you looked so beautiful in them.
ReplyDeleteps i'm stoked that you have a blogger thingy too. i had no idea!
please say you'll let me give you a shower. and, the photos are a given, although it makes me nervous!
ReplyDeletei lOVE the newsprint idea, and moss rose - my fave.
those are some great ideas! How did you like the creekside event center? hope you had a good flight to Peru!