Friday, May 21, 2010

Don't deconstruct

Well I've just been all over the place today. I couldn't even decide on a picture to use for my 365 Project. Mostly because I was trying to replace the picture I didn't take. Which is rather impossible and unsatisfying. Good thing I have a blog to share my indecision with - this was my other option
Neither of picture really did what I wanted, but I am determined to stick with this one-a-day thing.

I feel like I'm in the middle of everything, which for me is terrible. I like things to be finished, over, done with, a fond memory. Or at least approaching that.

I'm at the end of my school-year job, which I have loved. I wish I could devote more time to it, because we're doing some pretty cool things. Like remaking a dinosaur. (PS. Did you know the Brontosaurus is no longer called that?? It's now an Apatosaurus. Which I guess is cool too.) It's a small place, just a handful of people working right down the street from campus. And I love that. And some times I don't. But today I do, because my co-workers got me a wonderful wedding present. Even after a threatened to sue them. But that's another story...

I'm getting ready to start my summer internship. I think. There's a ton of paperwork to get there, and I just have that general feeling of uncertainty that comes with leaving the familiar and stepping into uncharted waters. But I've loved every place I've worked at, to one degree or another, and I'm terribly, terribly excited to do some more engineering related things. I love my major, and I want to take it out into the real world and play.

I'm just over three weeks away from the wedding. GULP. I'm really excited for the day of. Like, really really. And I'm really excited for the week after and swimming and hiking and eating and playing as Mrs. Adams. But everything between now and then terrifies me ever so slightly. I know I'll get everything done and ready, especially because I have such wonderful help from my wonderful girls. Oh, and my fiancé.

I'm still finishing the outprocessing of school. My poor inboxes are overflowing with emails I needed to save for the semester and coupons I never used. (I know, I know, I have a problem.) Then in the real world, my poor office is overflowing with notes and references and books and supplies and materials that has to be sorted through and categorized - keep, trash, sell, etc.

I just feel like nothing's done, and everything needs attention. Which is not possible to give all at once, so I freak out. But I just need to get started. Tomorrow.

Monday, May 17, 2010


I promise I'm not a ghost.

So for my 8 millionth restart of this blog, I'm starting The 365 Project. Because I think it's cool.

And because I'm making myself realize that if all goes as planned, this next year will be my last in Oklahoma for a while. And I want to make the most of it. Somehow I made it through my Junior year. Just barely. So Senior year should be interesting.

And because in 26 (almost 25) short days, I'll be a Mrs. and everything will change. Actually, I'm pretty sure that's not true. But it's a milestone, and I'm going to enjoy it tremendously. Of course, up until then, I'll be freaking out. Tremendously.

So here it is folks, Day 1 of my 365.